Unicef / Clay's launch to reach $100,000 by the end of 2007 -- December 21, 2007 Once again Clay launched a goal, in conjunction with Unicef, to raise $100,000 in 10 days to help an area in need. This was previously done in April for Afghanistan, with a goal of $100,000, that was met in a week and tremendously exceeded by the end of the target date. This time not quite as much was raised, but considering it is the second time in 9 months to have set this goal, and with it being the holidays, it is amazing that when a request just went out on December 21 in a blog, here we are, 10 days later, during one of the most stressful times of year, and undoubtedly one of the poorest with most people having shopped till they dropped by the 21st -- just 4 days before Christmas, that we hit the goal and once again surpassed it. PROGRESS TO DATE 1/1/08 Progress: 110% Raised: $ 109,565 Goal: $ 100,000
Clay is continually showing the giving spirit and person he truly is. What an inspiration to leave immediately after his "music tour" to do another "Unicef tour." The fact that it was a holiday that most of us only wish to spend at home, with family, friends, great food, good times, and presents for our immediate "groups of people" in our lives, he gives it up to try to help others less fortunate still have a nice day, a little fun, and raise a ton of money to help them through the upcoming days. Losing your luggage? No problem -- just don a Unicef shirt and you are still good to go.
Haters can say whatever they want -- their agendas and lies become more obvious daily. All anyone with a brain needs to do is sit back and watch to see who is honest, who is caring, who is noble, who is a worthwhile person as opposed to those who hide behind stupid names and lies on computers and in tabloid stories. Every "story" they come out with has NEVER had one ounce of proof of anything. Amazing in this world of technology there has NEVER been anyone with a camera or cellphone with a camera to actually capture Clay at any of these "infamous" outings he has supposedly made - or these "hookups" he has supposedly had. Yet there are people with cameras that capture his trips for charities, that capture him visiting hospitals, that capture him visiting schools, that capture him being a normal person arriving and departing airports as a regular guy, carrying his own luggage, checking in at the counter, etc. No diva acts have ever been "shown" anywhere -- only reported by someone, who knew someone, who said they heard or saw......
Does anyone with a brain really believe this kind of crap? No. The boyfriends have never been seen -- yet there are tons of pictures of Clay with various females, from groups to friends to dates. No one has shown him in the many "bars" he supposedly has been to, yet there are legitmate reports and sightings (varied by pictures) of him in restaurants, at plays, at movies, at sporting events, and various other outings with others, including females. Anyone who believes what they read on a nasty blog or in a tabloid, with no substance, is a total loser and needs some serious brain cell transplants. They seriously need TO GET A LIFE. It's a shame their lives are so full of hatred, of loathing, of jealousy. How would they feel if someone did to them what they do to good people like Clay and others that get crucified for daring to be a good person, or a person who has religious beliefs, or a person who is sincere in helping others? How would they like it being done to their children or other family members? Instead, how about believing things that are proven?
The man has made 4 Unicef trips in less than 3 years. He has created and inspired a foundation that has helped hundreds, probably thousands by now, of kids who most people do nothing for. I wish I had a way of knowing how much money the man has inspired to be raised in the "less than 5 years" that he has been on the scene. I know it is definitely in the millions already. It's no wonder Unicef loves him and supports him as they do. They know when people are there for the right reasons. This is not a man who says he will be a sponsor of something or a cause, only to walk away and do NOTHING for them, as some have. They don't need just a name to claim they will do something, to get the goodwill for themselves but in reality do little or nothing to help the actual cause. I won't name others who have done it, but they are everywhere, including in the "Idol family." So here is a man who walks the walk, who lives the talk. Not someone with his hand stuck out for the sponsorships that give to him by sponsoring his tours or TV time. This is the man that goes to the horrid areas at his own expense, that goes on TV with no songs to pimp but a Unicef message and maybe a film clip or some pictures of what is going on. The man who writes field reports and speaks before Congress to raise money for others -- not the fakey, "I have to write my feelings down" only to try to push a song from it that will earn them money.
Anyone who has an issue with fans supporting a performer they enjoy has a problem. Anyone who has an issue with people supporting a worthy cause for others has a serious problem. Anyone who has an issue with a man who uses his celebrity status to do good works for the world, and to truly live out his dream of what his #1 priority is, truly is beyond just having a problem, even a serious one. They are totally freaks of nature, because normal people just don't think or behave that way. When someone is doing NO harm to others and constantly tries to do good, and you object for your own selfish reasons or hatred, or because they WON'T be the poster boy for YOUR cause, you are truly sick in the head. I guess it's a good thing you disclaim religion and God as well, because it would be very hard to think any religion or God would welcome such lunacy and borderline evil.
Links for Unicef-- Main page -- http://www.unicefusa.org/site/c.duLRI8O0H/b.25933/k.8DDD/US_Fund_for_UNICEF__US_Fund_for_UNICEF.htm
Info about Clay's trips: http://inside.unicefusa.org/site/PageNavigator/Support_Clay_Aiken
Field Notes from various trips, including Clay in Mexico: http://fieldnotes.unicefusa.org/
Unicef -- Who We Are -- http://www.unicefusa.org/site/c.duLRI8O0H/b.25951/k.D492/Who_We_Are__US_Fund_for_UNICEF.htm
Celebrity Ambassadors Info page -- http://www.unicefusa.org/site/c.duLRI8O0H/b.26025/k.E22D/Celebrity_Ambassadors__Who_We_Are__US_Fund_for_UNICEF.htm
Clay's Ambassador page -- http://www.unicefusa.org/site/c.duLRI8O0H/b.254949/k.E42/Clay_Aiken__Celebrity_Ambassadors__Who_We_Are__US_Fund_for_UNICEF.htm
Interesting Info about becoming involved with Unicef as an Ambassador -- Even though it was originally an article about others donating time to charities, there is some really good information about Unicef and how it works with them. http://www.abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/Story?id=3748792&page=2
Technorati Tags: Clay AikenClay Aiken American Idol Unicef Mexico Mexico Floods Unicef Ambassador href="http://www.unicefusa.org/site/c.duLRI8O0H/b.254949/k.E42
Fantastic, "tell it like it is blog"!
Clay is a class act...and so are his fans!
So glad that once again the generosity for UNICEF has been shown.
Great blog.
Despicable is the word one UNICEF executive used to describle what these hate filled people have done to Clay.
Clay really is the Measure of a Man.
Great Blog - Nice to read a Blog that is the TRUTH and not one that is based on fiction and hate!
Fortunately, there are generous people in this world who devote their time to helping others. Clay is one of them. Why does this bother some people so much? Maybe it really bothers them when they look in the mirror and see the ugliness looking back at them.
You go, girl! Tell it like it is!!
I am SO proud of Clay and of the response to his latest UNICEF appeal.
He truly does talk the talk and walk the walk. I consider myself blessed and lucky to be a supporter of this wonderful man.
Those haters are possessed. Let them enjoy themselves now. Someday, they will have to give an accounting of themselves. At that point, they will feel every bit of pain they've ever caused anyone else, plus the guilt of knowing they caused it. I wouldn't want to be them for all the money in the world.
Anyone who knows anything about Clay Aiken, knows exactly who he is. He's never waivered from the man he's shown us to be...the man he's told us he is. It's a waste of time to believe anything different. Happy New Year, Clay! May this be your best one yet!
Wonderful article! I wish everyone, particularly the Clay-Haters, could read it.
What FUN it is to be a Claymate! We all had the time of our lives watching the thermometer go through the roof on New Year's Eve. Only Clay could provide such a Holiday Celebration by inspiring us to help the suffering children of the Mexican flood.
Great blog. Nice to see the truth for a change. It's a classic good vs evil and Clay is a good man doing good deeds.
Yay for making the goal for the disaster victims in Mexico! It's really heartwarming to see Clay truly walk the walk and not just give lip service like many in the music industry. Kudos, Mr. Aiken!
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